What is Roguelike ??

What Is Roguelike?

6 min readSep 12, 2023

Roguelike games are ideal for players who enjoy random and challenging adventures, have a penchant for strategy, and are willing to continually learn. Roguelike games encourage each game to be different and often motivate players to do better by dying frequently. Typically, they require you to progress from point A, such as the starting point, to point B, like the end of a dungeon, the top of a tower, the exit gate of hell, or a safe place in the forest, all while staying alive. Finding various weapons, armor, or special abilities to strengthen yourself is part of the fun in this adventure. But where does the name “Roguelike” come from, and why do we call this genre Roguelike?

History of Roguelike

To find the origins of Roguelike, we go back to the year 1980. Students at the University of California, Santa Cruz, Glenn Wichman and Michael Toy, were highly influenced by the 1971 Star Trek game they played and decided to create a clone of it among themselves. They also added elements from Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) games. The resulting game, Rogue, became highly popular among university students and eventually spread worldwide.

1980 Rogue
1980 Rogue Game

Rogue’s original version was designed for the VAX-11/780 computer (an older type of computer), which is why the game’s graphics were in text-based format. What made the game special wasn’t just its text-based format but the fact that you had to start from scratch when you died. The brutal difficulty of the game was what players found appealing, and this game genre, previously used in other games but popularized by Rogue, began to be called Roguelike. In recent years, with small indie studios releasing games in this genre, it has seen a resurgence in popularity.

Vax-11/780 Computter

Characteristics of the Roguelike Genre

In today’s gaming landscape, a single game can encompass elements from various genres, so it may not strictly adhere to all aspects of a genre. To simplify the description of Roguelike games, we’ll list the important points as follows:

  • Random Adventure: Roguelike games feature randomly generated worlds and events, ensuring that each game is unique, and you experience a new adventure from start to finish.
  • Permanent Death: When you die in the game, you typically lose everything and have to start over. This punishing feature is a hallmark of the Roguelike genre, increasing the game’s difficulty and excitement. Every move you make becomes important and risky.
  • Strategy and Exploration: These games involve not only battling enemies but also exploring, collecting items, and developing strategies. Every move should be carefully considered.
  • Turn-Based Combat System: Players and enemies take turns making moves. This provides an opportunity to think and strategize with each turn.
  • Inventory Management: Your character has a limited capacity for carrying items and attributes, so you must choose which items to take and use.
  • Puzzles and Mysteries: Games may include puzzles that encourage players to explore and solve mysteries.
  • Learning in Every Game: You learn with each game. Each death prepares you better for the next attempt. “Death is not the end; it’s a beginning.”

In summary, Roguelike games are ideal for those who relish challenging adventures in randomly generated dungeons, appreciate strategy, and are eager to explore, learn, and improve. These games feature characteristics that make each playthrough different and encourage players to strive for improvement.

Roguelike and Roguelite:

Now, fast forward from the 1980s to the present day. As mentioned earlier, Rogue’s roots date back to the 1980s, and since then, game trends and mechanics have evolved and adapted to meet modern player expectations. Therefore, in the contemporary gaming landscape, the strict rules of the Roguelike genre have been somewhat relaxed, giving rise to a subgenre known as Roguelite. Roguelite games are a slightly simplified or modified version of Roguelike games, where death is less punishing. Players often retain some progress or items and can continue the game in a better position rather than starting from scratch. Additionally, players may earn permanent upgrades or progress over time. This allows characters to become more powerful gradually. Roguelike games are more punishing, and character death typically ends the game, while Roguelite games offer more room for advancement and learning, making players stronger after each death.

Game Recommendations:

  • 1- Rogue (1980): Rogue, the game that laid the foundation for the Roguelike genre and gave it its name, is known for its classic ASCII graphics and randomly generated worlds. Players explore underground mazes, battle monsters, and collect valuable items.
1980 Rogue Gameplay
1980 Rogue Gameplay
  • 2- The Binding of Isaac (2011) — The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (2014): As I’ve detailed in my previous writings, The Binding of Isaac tells an unusual story of a child escaping attempts on his life by his own mother. It is known for its randomly generated levels and intriguing item combinations.
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (2014)
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (2014) Gameplay
  • 3- FTL: Faster Than Light (2012): FTL combines spaceship management with the Roguelike genre. Players manage a spaceship’s crew, upgrade their ships, and strive to survive in different sectors of space. It requires quick thinking and strategy.
FTL: Faster Than Light Gameplay
  • 4- Darkest Dungeon (2016): The game’s story is set in a world where the player returns to a family estate, only to find that the underground dungeons beneath it have been invaded by dark forces. The player assembles a group of brave heroes to restore the estate to its former glory and free the family from the curse. It’s a video game based on the Fate system.
Darkest Dungeon Gameplay
  • 5- Slay the Spire (2017): It combines a card game mechanic with Roguelike elements. Players manage a deck of cards and try to defeat enemies encountered on their journey. Each game requires different card combinations and strategies. Players strengthen their characters by leveling up and discovering new cards.
Slay the Spire Gameplay
  • 6- Dead Cells (2018): It’s an action-packed platform-style Roguelike game. Players start from scratch after death, but they can strengthen their characters by collecting in-game currency called cells and upgrading equipment. The main goal of the game is to delve deeper and complete it by battling a series of challenging enemies, gaining new abilities, and defeating formidable bosses.
  • 7- Children of Morta (2019): Children of Morta focuses on a story where you guide members of a family in their battle against dark forces. Each family member has different abilities, and players progress by utilizing each one’s strengths. The game offers depth in terms of story and character development.
  • 8- Hades (2020): Hades is an award-winning Roguelike game, including the Game of the Year for 2020–2021. It stands out with its captivating story based on Greek mythology and fast-paced combat system. Players control Zagreus, the son of a god, in the underworld. The goal of the game is to explore the underworld repeatedly after death, gaining the powers of different gods to further empower the main character. Hades offers a rich experience in storytelling and character development.

Thanks for reading, see you in other “What is ??” articles.




Hello, I'm Bahar. I play different kinds of games and interpret them to improve myself in game design. Don't forget to follow me on social media 😇😇